Inhalt des Dokuments

IDEAS: Understanding the impact of the deployment of ERS with the help of agent-based transport simulations

Project description

Over the last decade, the Swedish authorities have devoted significant resources to evaluate the potential of Electric Road Systems (ERS) as a way to decarbonise the transport sector. So far, most of the research efforts have been directed towards the development of the technology, although there are a number of active projects looking other challenges associated with ERS deployment such as cost modelling, policy making, business case opportunities and safety.

So far, the majority of the studies focus on a final hypothetical situation in which the complete transport system is electrified, and in most cases, the electric power system is completely decarbonised. In these studies a “business as usual” approach tends to be used, where the traffic flows and driving patterns of the electrified scenario remain the same as the current ones. However, the deployment of ERS is expected to cause an impact on the transport system, modifying e.g. the traffic flows and driving patterns. An advanced simulation tool such as the Multi-Agent Transport Simulation (MATSim) will help understanding this impact, which is essential in order to develop and implement the ERS system in the most effective way.

In this project, Lund University and the Technical University of Berlin will partner to create two MATSim models (one for (sub)urban traffic and one at a national scale for long distance trips) and simulate different relevant scenarios. The results will be also integrated with the cost models  already  existing,  to  evaluate  and  compare  the  potential  societal  benefits  of  each scenario.


See here.


Project partners

Francisco J. Márquez-Fernández, Lund University